Thursday, October 6, 2011

When Life Gives You Apples...

My parents' friends, "The Pats" as we affectionately refer to them (seriously: Pat and Patrick!), have some apple trees in the backyard and recently we were the recipients of a giant bagful of apples.  I have no idea what kind they were, but we put them to good use.

1.  Picture of the Day.  I have honestly never seen an apple with the stem AND leaf still attached so I used them as my models that morning.  Aren't they cute?

2.  Culinary Skills.  I am getting REALLY good at peeling an apple.  Especially with this last batch; there were a lot of apples.  Normally I only use about 10-12 apples for a batch of applesauce.  There might have been a part of me that never wanted to see another apple after the final one was peeled.

3.  Feasting.  I made a HUGE batch of applesauce with all these apples.  I normally use many different kinds of apples and very little sugar, so this was a bit of a test.  It seems I need to add more sugar when only using one kind, but the results certainly haven't gone to waste!

Thanks, Pat & Patrick!  Anytime you are looking to unload a batch of apples, we will certainly be at the ready!

1 comment:

The Pats said...

You're very welcome. These apples happened to come from my cousin's tree; our tree is still a "work in progress" but we think we're making some headway. I think the apples are Harrelson - just like our tree. Glad you put them to good use and we will definitely keep you in mind for future apple use.