Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Summer Camping Part 2

We were able to see some sights in Itasca.  It was pretty and I certainly could sit out by the lakes for awhile and just enjoy the view and peacefulness.  However, the lakes were a little hard to get to and there wasn't a ton of area to just sit. 

Mike and I decided that while it was pretty, it was just so dense with woods that it was hard to enjoy much other scenery simply because it was hard to see.

Our first day we did rode around and stopped at some viewing spots.  We climbed down to the shore in a couple places as well.

Then we climbed back up them.

When we first arrived there was a sign that said, "Bear and Raccoon in the area.  Store food properly."  All throughout the trip Maddie and Jake were hoping to see THE bear and THE raccoon (apparently they only thought there was one of each).  We never did see those animals.  We saw these...swans???  That's what we called them.  Feel free to correct us.

We also saw a beaver.  Those things are huge.  No pictures though; I didn't have my camera with that night and for more reason than one I was kicking myself.

Next up for the camping expo is the Mississippi Headwaters.

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